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Image by Aaron Burden


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Pastor David sobek

Senior Pastor

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    Pastor David W. Sobek has been pastoring the Lake Mills Moravian Church since May 2017. He was ordained in June 1990, following his graduation from Moravian Theological Seminary.


    Prior to coming to Lake Mills, Dave has served the Veedum Moravian Church & Pittsville United Church of Christ in Pittsville, WI, the Bethel  Goshen Moravian Churches in Cass County, ND, and Our Savior’s Moravian Church in Altura, MN. Since 1994, Dave has also served on the local Fire Department in the communities where he has lived. He currently serves as a Lieutenant, EMT-B, and Chaplain for the City of Lake Mills Fire Department.


    Having grown up in DeForest, WI, Dave is well acquainted with the Lake Mills Area. He had many friends in the area when younger and visited as often as possible. 


    Dave is a firm believer in the Motto of the Moravian Church, especially the last line “In All Things Love.” He does his best to portray this in his ministry and life. He became a pastor to teach others about the love Christ has for them through his words and actions.

Jenn Olson

Office Administrator

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    Jenn comes to us with a varied career history. As a Wisconsin-Madison alum, Jenn earned her master’s degree in social work from Washington University in St.
    Louis. She spent several years as a family therapist in addition to working in the private adoption sector.

    After taking a break from work while her husband was deployed in Iraq, Jenn pursued a different career in financial advising. She had her own business for many years providing investment advice and eventually left to spend more time with her family.

    As the Office Administrator for LMMC, Jenn handles the day-to-day and financial operations of the church. She loves being able to help church members with their needs, and she claims it is never a dull moment working alongside Pastor Dave!

    In her spare time, Jenn enjoys spending time with her husband and three daughters. As an avid animal lover, Jenn has two dogs, one cat, and one horse.

Cora Rund


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    Cora’s career in church music began in 1962 as a freshman attending Cassville High School. She served as substitute organist at St. Charles Catholic Church until 1965. After graduation, Cora earned her music educator’s degree in vocal music from

    UW-Madison. During her educational career, she served 22 years as a music and theater director, and 23 years in school administration as a curriculum and assessment director.


    Over the years, Cora served seven congregations as organist or choral director. LMMC is her eighth church service in the music ministry.


    What she enjoys most about being a church musician is listening to congregational singing. There is a sincerity in hymn singing that makes the music and words come alive.
    At LMMC, the congregational singing is done full-heartedly.

    When Cora is not playing the organ, she enjoys birding and gardening. Cora also has an interest in historical organs.


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Sue trumpf

Sunday School Secretary

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    As secretary of LMMC Sunday School, Sue assists the superintendent and teachers in endless ways to ensure the children have a very memorable, fun experience while learning about God and the Moravian church.

    Sue enjoys working with the Sunday School and being a part of the faith journey for the children. She feels it is a very rewarding position within the church.

Christine Kruwell

Janitorial Maintenance

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    Christine is a valued member of LMMC's janitorial maintenance staff.

Frederic Paul Albrecht

Janitor, Video Ministry

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    Paul is another valued member of LMMC's janitorial staff, completing usual janitorial duties while also leading the church's video recording and production process. Paul helps to record and produce videos for live Zoom transmission and YouTube so anyone can connect and view LMMC's services and hear about the Moravian faith.

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Ken Manske

Janitorial Maintenance

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    Ken is in charge of cleaning the church and ensuring everything is running smoothly. His favorite part of his work is setting up for events!

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