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The Moravian Faith and Order Commission states that "the Unitas Fratrum recognizes the Word of the Cross as the center of Holy Scripture and of all preaching of the Gospel, and it sees its primary mission, and its reason for being, to consist in bearing witness to this joyful message."
Moravians recognize the example of Christ’s life and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. Living the Christian life depends not only on our own effort, but upon God our Father, who in Jesus Christ accepts us as heirs of God and strengthens and sustains us.
As Moravians, we most value...

We value Christ-centered worship and celebrating the good news of Jesus Christ by providing a variety of worship opportunities and experiences.
The best way we show Christ-centered Worship is through
Adults Handbells (“Accabella” Choir),
Christmas Pageant,
Staffed Nursery during Worship services,
and Praise Band.
We value ongoing spiritual growth opportunities to study God’s word as we seek to live out our faith on our Christian journey.
The primary ways we encourage spiritual growth is through
Sunday school classes for youth and adults,
Adult and youth mission trips, both international and domestic,
and providing Sunday school superintendents and teachers.
We value gifted leadership in both lay and clergy. We appreciate the God-given-gifts of everyone in our church and create opportunities for people to discover and use their gifts.
Some of the ways our members can serve is through joining the
Joint Board Retreats,
Board of Trustees,
Board of Elders,
Christian Education Committee,
and the Sunday school superintendents and teachers.

We value welcoming and caring for every person in the Lake Mills community. Our church opens its arms and doors to those seeking God’s love and a safe place to meet. We offer a heart-felt welcome in God’s name, living by the Moravian motto: In Essentials, Unity, in Non-Essentials, Liberty, in All Things, Love.
The best way we show our love to the Lake Mills Community is through supporting the
Homeless Shelter,
Prison Ministry,
Angel Tree,
Market Day,
Lake Mills Food Pantry,
Youth service projects,
and the International AIDS relief.
The Lake Mills Moravian Church is supported by the following:
We value our youth and nurturing them in spiritual growth. We especially value providing a safe place for young people to explore and develop their call to ministry.
The different ways we create these safe spaces is through
Sunday School,
Vacation Bible School,
Discipleship classes for those preparing for Confirmation,
Mission Trips,
Camp Program,
and Random Acts of Kindness.
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